Lark: "Played through FF7 and 8 so many times nothing surprises you anymore? Can you recite every line of every Gundam Wing episode? Just not getting the same thrill?"

Sephiroth: "Stop sounding like a damn commerical, and just get to the point, woman!"

Lark: "Geez! Fine! Anyway, why not make the game more fun with a drinking game? And I'm talking about using *alcohol* either!"

Reno: "There goes *all* the fun."

Lark: "You can play with water. First one to pee loses." ^_^

Reno: "That's just disgusting."

Lark: "Shut up, Reno! Anyway, here are the three drinking games. One for FF7, one of FF8 and one for Gundam. I didn't make up the FF7 one, but I did make up the other two. If the FF7 drinking game is yours, please let me know so I can give you proper credit!"

The Final Fantasy VII Drinking Game

The Final Fantasy VIII Drinking Game

The Gundam Wing Drinking Game

Final Fantasy VII

Cloud flips out: One drink.

Cloud flips out and tries to harm another party member: Two drinks.

Aeris hits on Cloud: One drink.

Lark: "Good thing it's no more than that or you'd be running to the bathroom in 5 minutes!"

Tifa hits on Cloud: One drink.

Yuffie hits on Cloud: Entire beverage.

Cid or Barret say "shit" or "goddamn" (uncensored): three drinks.

Cid or Barret swear (censored, with punctuation): Two drinks.

Cid or Barret say "hell," "damn," or "crap": One drink.

Anyone else swears (censored, as above): Three drinks.

Character, player or otherwise, other than Cid or Barret swears,
counting "hell," "crap" and "damn": Five drinks.

Aeris swears: Stop drinking immediately and call AA. You've had too

Lark: "Hehe!"

Barret makes some reference to Cloud's hairstyle: Three drinks.

Barret says "There ain't no gettin' off this train we're on" or
variant: Three drinks.

Anyone else says same: One entire beverage per character, per

Each Level 4 Limit Break found: three drinks.

Aeris's Level 4 Limit Break actually USED: Chug for duration of Limit
Break sequence every time she uses it.

Lark: "I never even got her level 2...."

Yuffie asks to date Cloud at the Gold Saucer: Entire beverage.

Barret asks to date Cloud at the Gold Saucer (yes, it happens): Drink a
whole goddamn 12-pack.

Cid or Tifa ask to try the snowboard game or chocobo races: five

Lark: "She's always asking in my game!"

Every Materia liberated from Huge Materia: Entire beverage.

Every Sephiroth clone encountered: One drink.

Sephiroth clone dies, leaving item behind: Three drinks.

Sephiroth clone turns into boss monster: Entire beverage.

Any reference made to the play "Loveless" be it a poster, sign, or in
dialogue: Entire beverage.

Cid yells at Shera: One drink.

Cid says something nice to Shera: Entire beverage.

Someone refers to Cid as "The Captain": One drink.

Shera calls Cid "Cid": Five drinks.

Any appearance by one or two Turks: three drinks.

Appearance by ALL Turks: Five drinks.

Lark: "That only counts as Elena, Reno, and Rude I think, because *all* the Turks, including Tseng, never appear together."

Appearance by Vincent as a Turk: Entire beverage.

Battle with one Turk: Three drinks.

Battle with two Turks: Five drinks.

Battle with all Turks: Entire beverage.

Elena slips up and gives important info away: Three drinks, plus all
players must throw something at her (that won't break the TV). All
players who miss must consume an entire beverage. Beating the piss out
of anyone who breaks the TV is well within the rules.

Lark: "Lol! Yeah, you should really throw something, shouldn't you?"

Elena: "Hey!"

Any reference to Elena's crush on Tseng: Three drinks.

Each cross-dressing item obtained in Wall Market: One drink. Two drinks
for getting makeup put on.

Corneo actually picks Cloud in the cross-dressing sequence: Entire
beverage AND continue to chug until party is dumped in sewer.

Lark: "Oh crap. Cloud always gets picked in my game...."

Cid falls asleep at any time outside an Inn (i.e. in the gondola at the
Gold Saucer, on the bridge of the Highwind, etc.): Three drinks.

Reference made to Marlene by Barret: One drink.

Reference made to Marlene by any other character: Three drinks.

Any reference made to Zack: Three drinks.

Lark: "I love Zack." ^_^

Zack makes appearance in flashback: Five drinks.

Bugenhagen, Scarlet or Heidegger laugh (Ho Ho Hoooo, Kya ha ha and
Gyaa ha ha, respectively): Three drinks, PLUS all players must imitate.
Last one to do so must drink an entire beverage.

Lark: "And you can shudder too while you're at it."

Rufus smooths his hair: Three drinks.

Lark: "And swoon." ^_^

Any Shinra exec (Pres Shinra, Hojo, etc.) dies: Three drinks
and cheer.

Lark: "Except for Rufus! Then you must cry hysterically and list the ways he could have lived!"

Sephiroth uses Supernova: Chug for entire duration of Supernova
sequence. Or just take a pee break.

Each Enemy Skill learned: Three drinks, except Chocobuckle, White Wind,
Big Guard, and ????. For those, an entire beverage is in order.

Lark: "I never bother with enemy skills."

Each "silly weapon" found (i.e. Aeris's Umbrella, Cid's Mop, Cloud's
Nail Bat): Three drinks.

Each best weapon found: Three drinks.

The Planet's scream is heard: Five drinks.

The half-naked chick on the side of the Highwind is plainly visible:
Five drinks.

Someone calls Red XIII "Nanaki": One drink.

Each new Limit Break learned: One drink.

Any reference to Seto or Lucrecia: Three drinks.

Palmer says "Hey-hey!": One drink.

Lark: "And shudder."

Each new vehicle gained (including Chocobo mutations): Three drinks.

Reeve slips up and talks in Cait Sith's voice and vice versa: Three

Lark: "Aw! He does that!? I love Reeve!" *hugs reeve*

Reeve: *blushes* "Oh dear..."

Clearly visible Shinra logo anywhere on screen: Two drinks per logo.

Lark: "And cheer! Uh...whoops."

Materia reproduces itself: Three drinks.

Yuffie gets airsick/seasick: Three drinks.

Sephiroth says "I am becoming one with the Planet": Five drinks.

Lark: "Like he doesn't do *that* every five minutes!"

Each reference to the Nibelheim incident: Three drinks.

Any battle against any of the Weapons: Entire drink.

Ultima Weapon defeated: Entire beverage.

Ruby or Emerald Weapon defeated: Drink until you pass out.

Each usage of Knights of Round: One drink per Knight. Much fun with a
mastered KoR, a Mimic Materia, and Emerald/Ruby Weapon...I personally
guarantee SOMEONE will either pass out or throw up (possibly both) by
the time that battle is over.

Final Fantasy VIII

Squall says "Whatever": One drink

Zell has some information for you: Two drinks

Rinoa hits on Squall: Two drinks

Quistis hits on Squall: Three drinks

Irvine hits on a chick: Two drinks

When Raijin says "ya know?": One drink

Fujin says "affirmative": Two drinks

Fujin talks like a normal person: 10 drinks

Seifer mentions he's the Sorceress' Knight: 2 drinks

A new GF is accquired: 2 drinks

 You have to sit through a tutorial: 3 drinks

The thing you're fighting mocks you: 4 drinks

You use the "devour" ability: 5 drinks

and it works: 10 drinks

Selphie says Tee hee: 2 drinks

Someone calls Edea Matron: 1 drink

Irvine tips his hat: 2 drinks, and swoon

Zell flips out: 1 drink

Seifer calls Zell a chicken wuss: 1 drink

Quistis finishes Squall sentences: 4 drinks

Laguna does something dumb: 2 drinks

Kiros says "Ward says...": 5 drinks

Squall makes fun of Laguna: 3 drinks, and scold him

You see Nida: 5 drinks

Nida scolds Squall: 10 drinks, and throw stuff at the screen

You play cards: 1 drink

....and actually win: 10 drinks

Zone threatens to kill Squall: 3 drinks

Ellone says "Uncle Laguna": 2 drinks

Squall calls Ellone Sis: 2 drinks

Squall has a flashback: 3 drinks

Every time you get paid: 1 drink

Every time your SeeD rank goes up: 3 drinks

Or down: 5 drinks

You have to get on a train: 3 drinks

You actually use Carbunkle or Siren: 5 drinks

You boost a GF to 250: 10 drinks

You actually kill a Marborlo: Chug the whole thing

Zell says damn: 2 drinks

Anyone else does: 3 drinks

Irvine does something perverted: 2 drinks

You see a Moomba: 3 drinks

You meet someone cranky (general caraway, mayor dobe, martine): 5 drinks

Someone mentions NORG: 3 drinks, and shout boo!

The cafeteria is out of hot dogs: 2 drinks

The cafeteria has hot dogs: Chug 5 glasses

Zell complains how the cafeteria never has hot dogs: 3 drinks

Someone insults Zell: 3 drinks and boo them!

The girl with the pig tail hits on Zell: 4 drinks

Zell does or says something mean about Irvine: 3 drinks

Squall thinks: 1 drink

Squall does that sweeping gesture with his arm: 4 drinks and a cheer

Squall complains about being the leader: 3 drinks

Squall shows little concern for someone in need: 3 drinks, and scold him

The guy by the Timber train station gives you something: 2 drinks

You see the conceited SeeD: 5 drinks, and boo him!

You meet up with a Trepe: 3 drinks

"Eyes On Me" plays: 2 drinks, and sing along, even it's instrumental

Angelo comes without being summoned: 4 drinks, and say "good dog!"

Gundam Wing

People Act surprised when a crappy mobile suit fails: 2 drinks, and laugh at them

Someone tries to self destruct: 3 drinks

...and does: 10 drinks

An ensign back talks: 3 drinks

Zechs' name is mispronunced: 1 drink

The pilots don't work together: 2 drinks

Treize strikes a pose: 2 drinks, and swoon

A guy crosses his legs: 3 drinks

Quatre says "beautiful" or something about outer space: 2 drinks

Treize says beautiful: 3 drinks

Wu-fei calls something weak: 2 drinks

Zechs calls himself weak or a coward: 4 drinks, and scold him

Heero says Relena: 2 drinks

Relena says Heero: 1 drink

Catherine wears a slutty shirt: 3 drinks

Heero says "mission, accepted": 2 drinks

Heero pulls out a gun: 2 drinks

Duo pulls out a gun: 4 drinks

Trowa pulls out a gun: 3 drinks

Wu-fei pulls out a gun: 5 drinks

People are shown fencing, or a fighting using swords: 3 drinks

The camera pans over Duo's body: 5 drinks, and swoon

Someone's eyes vibrate: 3 drinks

Someone bleeds: 3 drinks

Someone says crap or dammit: 4 drinks

Quatre says crap: 10 drinks

Someone says their full name: 2 drinks

Someone says or does something nonsensical or symbolic: 3 drinks

Someone says "it's a Gundam!": 1 drink, and shout "duh"!

Someone says "Trowa!": 2 drinks

You can't understand a thing Treize says: 2 drinks

Zechs wears his white outfit: 4 drinks, and shudder

Une's hair is down: 4 drinks

The pilots drink something: 4 drinks

Noin falls all over Zechs: 3 drinks

Lady Une falls all over Treize: 3 drinks

Treize makes a comment praising Zechs: 3 drinks

...and Lady Une looks unhappy about it: 5 drinks

Lady Une makes a comment bashing Zechs: 4 drinks

Quatre does something psychic or emphatic: 4 drinks

Wu-fei refers to Nataku: 3 drinks

Wu-fei refers to himself in the 3rd person: 5 drinks

Wu-fei says "woman": 4 drinks

They show the guy in the mobile suit before it explodes: 2 drinks

...and you hear him screaming: 4 drinks

Someone dies for Treize: 3 drinks

Someone dies for Zechs: 4 drinks

Dorothy comments on how much she loves War: 3 drinks

You see Relena's pink car: 2 drinks

Someone drives horribly: 3 drinks

Trowa does something circus like: 3 drinks

Duke Dermale, Tuburoff or anyone else evil dies: 5 drinks, and cheer

Treize dies: 10 drinks, sob hysterically and yell at Wu-fei

A girl cries: 4 drinks

Wu-fei cries: 4 drinks

Quatre cries: 5 drinks

Any other pilot cries (even if he's not aware of it!): 10 drinks

Treize drinks something obviosly alcholic: 3 drinks

Someone bashes OZ: 2 drinks, and boo them for me!

Duo wears his hat: 5 drinks

Relena does something hypocritical: 5 drinks, and throw stuff at her

They show that picture of the Peacecraft family, or the Sank Kingdom on fire: 3 drinks

Zechs takes off the mask while he's still in OZ: 10 drinks, and swoon

Trowa runs out of bullets: 3 drinks

A Gundam gets really damaged: 3 drinks

A pilot is arrested: 4 drinks

A colony is blown up: 5 drinks

Someone mentions they saw their death: 5 drinks

Dorothy calls Relena "Miss Relena": 1 drink

Dorothy says "Mr. Treize" or "Mr. Milliardo": 2 drinks

You see Dr J click his claw: 2 drinks, and shudder

Heero's at a computer: 2 drinks

Heero and Zechs fight: 3 drinks